Where Your Home Energy Dollars Go:

  • 44% Heating and Cooling
  • 33% Lighting, Cooking and Other Appliances
  • 14% Water Heating
  • 9% Refrigeration
  • Heating
    • Bundle up and turn down the heat. Set your heater thermostat at 68° or lower by day and put on a sweater if you feel chilly. At night, set your thermostat at 55° and get cozy with extra blankets. Clean or replace furrnace filters regularly.
  • Your Thermostat
    • Don't use it like a gas pedal. Setting the temperature super high won't heat your home any faster. But it will make your heater run longer, overheat¬ing your home and wasting energy. Instead, just set at desired temperature.
  • Refrigeration
    • Vacuum refrigerator coils at least twice a year. Open doors only when necessary. Use Energy-Saver mode if available. If you buy a new refrigerator, unplug and recycle the old one.
  • Clothes Washing
    • Use the coolest water temperature that will get clothes clean, considering fabric types and level of soiling. Wash only full loads. Select the correct water level for the load size.
  • Clothes Drying
    • Dry only full loads. Dry loads one after another to take advantage of heat build-up. Clean the lint filter before each load. Use automatic cycle to prevent overdrying. Better yet, use a clothesline.
  • Lighting
    • Turn off lights when not in use, even for just a minute. Replace your most-used incandescents with compact fluorescent bulbs, which use 75% less energy and last about 10 times longer. Keep lights clean.
  • Cooking
    • Pre-heat only for baking. Avoid opening the oven to check progress. Turn oven off before food is done, and use retained heat to finish cooking. Use the microwave whenever possible - it saves energy.
  • Dishwashing
    • Wash only full loads. Use a short cycle for lightly soiled dishes. Use the energy-saving no-heat dry feature. Or, turn dishwasher off after the final rinse to let dishes air dry.
  • Bathing
    • Showers use much less hot water than baths. Install energy-saving low-flow showerheads and flow restrictors. Fix leaks to save energy and water. Fill the bathtub halfway or less.
  • Water Heating
    • Set water heater to the lowest temperature that provides you sufficient hot water. Wrap your older model water heater with a water heater blanket, especially if it is in an unheated area.
  • Children
    • Help them become energy-wise. Teach children to turn off lights, TVs, VCRs and computer equipment when they finish using them.